


Icon fonts that can be styled completely!

Logo quote (")
Logo quote reverse (')
Keyboard arrows (4)
Grid (#)
Cancel X (x)
Up-pointing right angle (A)
Right-pointing right angle (B)
Down-pointing right angle (C)
Left-pointing right angle (D)
Lock (l)
Up arrow (E)
Right arrow (F)
Down arrow (G)
Left arrow (H)
Clock (9)
Quotes badge (S)
Badge (8)
Circle arrow up (a)
Circle arrow right (b)
Circle arrow down (c)
Circle arrow left (d)
Block (/)
Heart (<)
Plus (+)
Pinterest (W)
Gmail (y)
Aol (Z)
Facebook (w)
Twitter (V)
Email (Y)
Link (X)

Hover these

Progress meters

Step 1/2
Step 1/4
Step 1/4
Step 2/4
Step 3/4
Step 1/4

Separators and Rules

This has a bevelled rule underneath

This has a bevelled rule on top

This has bevelled rules on top and bottom

This has a light rule underneath

This has a light rule on top

This has light rules on top and bottom