Marco Carag

Expert er of things.

Futzing Around with Icon Fonts and SVG

Minefold logo being created in Inkscape
Minefold logo being created in Inkscape

Vector graphics are great. They deserve more of a place on websites than they get — certainly compared to their rasterized cousins. Nowhere is this more true than with icon UI. I decided to dip my toes into two leading solutions to bringing vectors to webpages: icon fonts, and SVG.

I won’t go too much into detail on either icon fonts or SVG, the former of which has seen terrific coverage by the likes of CSS-Tricks and Web Designer Depot, and the latter of which has been a web standard since 2001. I’ll summarize with the normal wins of vector graphics: they are scalable and styleable, unlike raster graphics which need to be duplicated for every situation whether it’s a color or size change or both.

Using Icon Fonts

I’m using icon fonts for some UI in my footer — the links to my RSS feed, my Twitter page, and my Github repository for this blog. There were certain use cases that made icon fonts a good fit: specifically, I wanted to handle them with CSS-driven text-shadows and transitions, just like my plain-text links. CSS is a terrifically convenient layer at which to style font icons.

The custom font I’m using comes courtesy of the awesome Keyamoon’s IcoMoon, which provides 300 free icons, and 622+ icons at the bargain price of $35. You can also import custom SVG icons, if none of the free ones are usable, and you can explicitly map your icons to Unicode characters. I let IcoMoon decide the mappings for me, and soon enough had a perfectly usable stack of web fonts and some nice CSS style definitions for using them, similar to the output of Font Squirrel’s Font-Face Generator. For the most part, I used IcoMoon’s generated CSS with few customizations. It creates some nice classes leveraging :before pseudo-elements:

/ Add the following classes to your stylesheet if you
   want to use data attributes for inserting your icons /
.iconb:before, .icona:after {
  font-family: ‘IcoMoon’;
  content: attr(data-icon);

/ Add the following CSS properties to your stylesheet
   if you want to have a class per icon /
[class^=”icon-“]:before, [class*=” icon-“]:before {
  font-family: ‘IcoMoon’;
  font-style: normal;
.icon-feed:before {
  content: “\0061”;

Some Gotchas

If you’re super anal about pixel perfection, then you probably should leave vectors behind right now and go back to your Photoshops. But if you’re still curious, a few things to note.

Firstly, icon fonts are text. And, as we all know, that means cross-browser, cross-operating-system rendering differences:

Comparison of Github's Octocat font icon in Chrome and Firefox
The Github Octocat font icon as rendered (and zoomed in, rasterized) in (from left to right)
Chrome OS X, Firefox OS X, Chrome Windows, and Chrome Ubuntu 12. Bottom row zoomed 200%.

Pixel peepers will note the extra definition of edges of the tentacles in the non-OS X operating systems, and differently sized eyes, amongst other tiny differences. As a user of icons, you shouldn’t get worked up about this (though, if I had to pick a favorite, it’s the Ubuntu version, which lacks jaggies but retains nice detail).

Designing with a pixel grid in Inkscape
Make sure to use a grid for the smallest pixel size you want to use, and don’t veer from it.

If you’re creating these icons, then be aware of how browsers can smudge things away before you go to town on details. Pick a minimum pixel size you’re willing to accommodate, and make sure your details are chunky enough at that resolution; eg, hairlines should be thick enough to fill a single pixel at your minimum size; below that, they’ll get fuzzed away.

Next, be ready to tweak font-size and vertical-align to get your icons to orient properly — especially when next to each other or next to text. Just like normal letterforms, font icons deserve some careful treatment so that their visual relationships (mostly size related) to each other work well. But barring that, you’ll spend some time tweaking specific alignment and sizes for each use case (note that the below is SCSS):

.icon-feed {
  vertical-align: middle;

  .special-module > & {
    font-size: 1.7em;
    vertical-align: -.3em;

Font icons untreated, and treated with vertical-align and font-size
Some font icons at the same font-size (white) and with tweaked vertical-align and font-size to achieve better proportions (red).

Thanks to CSS, this isn’t a big deal. Naturally, this is more pronounced of an issue if your icons are inline with plain text, where most certainly you’ll need to shift vertical-align explicitly for each icon depending on the situation; however, in fairness, all of this needs to happen with raster image icons, as well.

All of these gripes, in my opinion, are solidly overruled by the benefits of being able to scale(), change color and opacity, animate, and transition using CSS — none of which you can do with a single raster image icon (well, unless you don’t care about pixellation).


SVG, or Scalable Vector Graphics, is a really mature graphics standard that I have little experience with in a web context (though I have a lot of experience with vector drawing programs that happen to save as SVG). Because of the breadth of the standard, it’s well equipped for many things a vector in an icon font isn’t — namely, full-blown vector illustrations with many colors, gradients, opacities, strokes, what-have-you. Most of those things don’t apply to icons. But if ever you need more than one color in your icon, fonts won’t cut it, and you’ll have to use something like SVG.

Rainbow in SVG
A rainbow in SVG.
Rainbow as a font icon
A rainbow in an icon font.

That was the case with the Minefold logo that I wanted to add to my bottom links. There’s a second color that is fairly necessary for the identity. Perfect opportunity to try out SVG. So I cracked open Inkscape for the first time in years, traced out the logo, and saved it as “Plain SVG.”

The resulting SVG file is basically markup that I copied and pasted straight into my HTML. I shaved out a few assorted meta tags that Inkscape adds that aren’t necessary, but for the most part, it worked well:

   version=”1.1” width=”71.25” height=”60.375” id=”svg3087”>
  <defs id=”defs3091”>
    <filter x=”-0.25” y=”-0.25” width=”1.5” height=”1.5”
       color-interpolation-filters=”sRGB” id=”filter4802”>
      <feGaussianBlur result=”blur” stdDeviation=”2.5” in=”SourceAlpha”
         id=”feGaussianBlur4804” />
         values=”1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 “
         type=”matrix” result=”bluralpha” id=”feColorMatrix4806” />
      <feOffset result=”offsetBlur” dy=”3” dx=”0” in=”bluralpha”
         id=”feOffset4808” />
      <feMerge id=”feMerge4810”>
        <feMergeNode in=”offsetBlur” id=”feMergeNode4812” />
        <feMergeNode in=”SourceGraphic” id=”feMergeNode4814” />
     d=”m 22.5,10.0625 -10.625,6.046875 0,34.203125 10.625,0 0,-21.609375 7.515625,8.890625 0.09375,0 11.03125,0 0.09375,0 7.53125,-8.9375 0,21.65625 10.609375,0 0,-34.203125 L 48.765625,10.0625 35.625,29.453125 22.5,10.0625 z”
     id=”path3969” class=”logo-face-shadow”
     style=”fill:#074676;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;filter:url(#filter4802)” />
     d=”m 48.758258,47.406249 10.617442,0 0,-34.198033 -10.617442,-6.049471 z”
     id=”path3867” class=”logo-face-dark”
     style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />
     d=”m 22.501432,7.158745 18.642249,27.531268 -11.111274,0 L 11.91486,13.208216 z”
     id=”path4881” class=”logo-face-dark”
     style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />
     d=”m 48.758258,7.158745 -18.642249,27.531268 11.111274,0 18.117547,-21.481797 z”
     id=”path3921” class=”logo-face-light”
     style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />
     d=”m 22.492439,47.406249 -10.617439,0 0,-34.198033 10.617439,-6.049471 z”
     id=”path3915” class=”logo-face-light”
     style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />

Challenges and Benefits of SVG

First thing about SVG is that if you care about pre-IE9, then either forget about it, or learn an abstraction library of some kind. (I recommend Raphael JS.) Barring that…

SVG, as its name suggests, scales fairly well. However, it faces the same reduction issues as icon fonts. The solution is the same, though; don’t scale down an icon below its intended minimum size.

SVG does render much more consistently across browsers, at least so far as I can tell. Definitely a plus for the pixel OCD amongst us.

The main challenge is styling. CSS can’t be used in the same way that it is for icon fonts (which are just text). In my case, the shadows and the bevel effect, for instance, which are CSS text-shadows in the icon fonts, actually need to be baked right into the SVG itself. Fortunately, Inkscape has a pretty great “Drop Shadow” filter that makes creating the same shadow effect in SVG quite simple. And the bevel is simply another <path>.

Drop shadow tool in Inkscape.
Shadows can’t be applied with CSS, and need to be in your SVG. Still, in some cases, it’s nice to have this much control.

If you are new to SVG drawing, though, this process isn’t very convenient. That’s one of the nice things about icon fonts — that they’re text, and can be styled that way, and you don’t necessarily need any special skills in vector drawing to accomplish certain effects.

Still, from a designer’s perspective, it’s great to have this level of explicit control. And obviously you can go much further than just icons.

That said, SVG is markup, and can be styled with CSS. Just note that the properties are different. For instance, SVG uses a different property for color: fill (versus text’s kinda’ misleading-in-comparison color property).

In the case of my icon, I wanted a hover interaction, which is slightly complicated as my icon is actually four separate <path> elements; since I want the entire icon to change color, I need to target all of these nodes explicitly. To do so, I added some classes to the <path>s to be able to hit them in CSS:

<!— Markup —>
   d=”m 48.758258,47.406249 10.617442,0 0,-34.198033 -10.617442,-6.049471 z”
   style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />
   d=”m 22.501432,7.158745 18.642249,27.531268 -11.111274,0 L 11.91486,13.208216 z”
   style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />
   d=”m 48.758258,7.158745 -18.642249,27.531268 11.111274,0 18.117547,-21.481797 z”
   style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />
   d=”m 22.492439,47.406249 -10.617439,0 0,-34.198033 10.617439,-6.049471 z”
   style=”fill-opacity:1;stroke:none” />

/ CSS /
.logo-face-dark { fill: #0a66ae; }
.logo-face-light { fill: #1087e1; }

And since I want all four elements to change color when any of them are hovered, I actually need to target a parent; conveniently, the <svg> element serves that purpose well (pardon the SCSS again):

svg:hover {
  .logo-face-dark { fill: #0a66ae + 100; }
  .logo-face-light { fill: #1087e1 + 100; }

One hiccup: I lose transition when in Chrome. Not sure why. But also not a huge deal (transition is one of those CSS3 properties that we should all be okay with degrading away). Though, this is probably a good reason to use script instead of CSS for interaction purposes in SVG.


To start with the obvious, while I was happy to pursue the combination as an experiment in my footer, I don’t suggest that anyone mix and match SVG and fonts for icons; for the sake of consistency, do one or the other.

I can see myself using SVG entirely at some point. I like the extra visual control and rendering consistency, and other simple things like, say, supporting more than one color at a time in a single drawing. I’ll need to spend some time digging into animating and transitioning interactions before I completely make the dive.

But for the vast majority of simple icon UI, it’s hard to argue against icon fonts. It’s pretty huge that they take on the very same style properties as text. @font-face is supported pretty widely at this point. There’s no question that they’re more convenient than rasterized icons and sprites, especially now that there’s great tools for creating them, like IcoMoon. For cross-browser, scalable, easily styled icons, they’re the way to go for now.

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